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Joe Bourland Travel Award (2016)

Lu Lan of the Cheng Lab has received the Joe Bourland Travel Award to be used for his upcoming trip to SPIE Photonics West 2017.

Baxter Young Investigator Award (2016)

The Cheng lab's Chien-Sheng (Jason) Liao has been selected as a second-tier award recipient for the 2016 Baxter Young Scientist Award. Congratulations, Jason!

PI4D Symposium Best Poster Award (2016)

Among the PI4D (Purdue Institute of Inflammation, Immunology, and Infectious Disease)student symposium's poster competition winners was the Cheng Lab's Delong Zhang. Congratulations, Delong!
No upcoming events.

Welcome to Cheng Lab

The mission of our research program is developing label-free imaging technologies to enable improved early diagnosis and/or precise treatment of human diseases. With integrated expertise in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and entrepreneurship, our 3D research program is devoted to

Development of label-free molecular spectroscopic imaging tools

Discovery of new biology at single cell level

Device for early molecule-based diagnosis and surgery guidance

For more information about Cheng group:

Click the link for Cheng’s Science Review Article on spectroscopic imaging

Click the link  for Cheng’s preeminent team pitch speech