
Non-Standard State Free Energy Changes

DeltaG, the free energy change of a chemical process under non-standard state conditions (concentrations not 1 molar and pressures not 1 atmosphere) can be determined two different ways:

  • From the Standard State Free Energy Change and the Reaction Quotient
  • From Cell Potentials
  • Using a Standard State Free Energy Change and the Reaction Quotient to Determine a Non-standard State Free Energy Change

    If we know the standard free energy change for a process, DeltaGo, and the reaction quotient, Q, for the change we can determine the non-standard state free energy change, DeltaG, for the process using the following equation:

    Equation for calculating delta G under nonstandard conditions

    In this equation:


    Using Cell Potentials to Determine Non-standard State Free Energy Changes

    If we know the potential, E, for an electrochemical cell operating at non-standard state conditions (or if we can determine the cell potential) we can calculate the free energy change, DeltaG, for the cell reaction using the equation:

    Calculating non-standard state delta Gfrom a cell potential

    In this equation:


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