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Our research projects are focused on understanding the mechanisms and pathways through which the expression of human genes is controlled.  
  • For studies of the Human Genome, we develop tools in Bioinformatics and theoretical models for making experimentally testable predictions. These efforts are interdisciplinary projects done in collaboration with scientists from the Department of Biology, Statistics, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
  • For studies of the Human Genome, we have collected the sequences of the experimentally defined transcription factor binding sites.  The goal of this project is to resolve the redundancy problem encountered in the current databases of transcription factor binding elements.  
  • We are developing computational and statistical models to locate the regulatory regions in human genomic DNA. 
  • We are constructing a database of  a subset of the human regulatory genes, including transcription factors.  The goal of this project is to to reconstruct the regulatory networks that control the expression of human genes.
  • We have construced a database (Rosalind_Franklin.hsDAT) of potential regulatory codes in human DNA.  The goal of this project is to discover "the linguistics" of DNA defining the regulatory regions of human genes. 
  • Use of this database along with contruction of density plots facilitate localization of potential regulatory codes in human genomic DNA
  •       We have discovered DNA sequence elements (morphemes) that bind MLL. Localization of such may identify the regions that recruit the human trithorax complexes to genomic DNA to maintain active chromatin states during mitosis.
 As an example, the diagram below shows the position of potential transcription factor binding sites with respect to computationally defined regulatory codes (blue) and the position of MLL morphemes in the promoter region of the human HOXA13 gene.