Former Graduate Students
1. Dr. Luis E. S. de Souza, "Study of Solvent Effects on Thermodynamic Properties of Molecules," (1994).
2. Dr. Meng-Rong Lee, "Raman Studies of Solvent Effects on Molecular Vibration and Isomerization," (1994).
3. Dr. Angela Williams, "Molecular Probing of Viscosity, Temperature, Pressure and Microscopic Friction," (1994).
4. Dr. Fred LaPlant, "Analytical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy," (1995).
5. Dr. George S. Devendorf, "Studies of Solvent-Solute Interactions Using Pressure Induced Vibrational Frequency Shifts," (1996).
6. Dr. Kimberley F. Schrum, "Development of Methods and Instrumentation for Molecular Optical Probing of Temperature, Pressure and Viscosity," (1996).
7. Dr. Erik J. Hutchinson, "Raman Studies of Tribological Model Systems," (1997).
8. Dr. Argyroula Stamatopoulou, "Chemical Potentials of Hard Solutes in Hard Sphere Fluids. Monte Carlo Simulations and Analytical Approximations," (1998).
9. Dr. Min-Hom Hu, "Investigation of Temperature and Pressure Effects on the Behavior of Solvent-Solute Interactions via Raman Spectroscopic Techniques," (1998).
10. Dr. Yanira Melendez-Pagan, "Raman Studies of Concentration, Solvent, Temperature and Pressure Effects on Molecular Vibrations and Isomerization Equilibria," (2000).
11. Dr. Karim Jallad, "Materials Analysis Using Chemical Imaging," (2001).
12. Dr. Dongmao Zhang, "Multivariate Technique for Processing Raman Spectral Data," (2002).
13. Dr. Alan Gift, "Applications of Raman Spectroscopy in the Area of Instrument Development and Solvent Effects on Chemical Reactions," (2002).
14. Dr. Brian McClain, "Studies of Solvation Thermodynamics of Isomerization Reactions: Experimental and Theoretical Approaches," (2002).
15. Dr. Melissa Mrozek, "Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy as a Prove of Adsorbate Structure and Bonding at Platinum-Group and Noble Metal Surfaces," (2002). -- Melissa transferred to the Ben-Amotz group during her last year, when former research advisor, Prof. Mike Weaver, passed away.
16. Dr. Sungho Park, "Electrochemical Vibrational Characterization of Metal Nanoelectrodes," (2003). -- Sungho transferred to the Ben-Amotz group during her last year, when his former research advisor, Prof. Mike Weaver, passed away.
17. Dr. Penelope Cipriani, "Raman Spectroscopy And Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Of Catalysts, Physiological Analytes And Cancer Drugs," (2005).
18. Dr. Yong Xie, "Development of Raman Detection Methods for Proteomic Applications," (2005)
19. Dr. Corasi Ortiz, "New Dimensions in Proteomic Diagnostics," (2006).
20. Dr. Yegor Zyrianov, "Applications of Multivariate Statistical Methods for Drug Discovery and Spectroscopy," (2006).
21. Dr. Jeanette Dawn Hanna, "Advances in Raman Instrumentation," (2007).
22. Dr. Yvette Loethen, "Raman and Fluorescence Investigations of Hydrophobic Solvation," (2007).
23. Dr. Brandon Davis "Biological and Pharmaceutical Applications of Raman Spectroscopy," (2008).
24. Dr. Pradeep Perera "Solvent Perturbation Spectroscopy and Multiplexed Concentration Quantitation of SERRS," (2008).
25. Melanie Wyche (2008).
26. Dr. Jill Tomlinson-Phillips, "Exploring the Thermodynamic Signatures of Water Interactions by Molecular Dynamic Simulations," (2009).
27. Dr. K. Rebecca Fega, "Hydration-Shell Spectroscopy of Biologically Relevant and Organic Aqueous Solutions," (2011).
28. Dr. Robin Underwood, "Statistical Thermodynamics of Water-Mediated Interactions," (2011).
29. Dr. Derya Cebeci, "Multivariate Hyperspectral Raman and CCD-based Raman Spectrscopy Applications for Pharmaceutical Analysis," (2011).
30. Dr. Joel Gregory Davis, "Spectroscopic Investigations of Water-Mediated Interactions," (2012).
31. Dr. David Wilcox, "Application of Multivariate Statistics to Hyperspectral Imaging and Raman Hydration Shell Spectroscopy," (2013).
32. Dr. Blake M. Rankin, "Quantification Of Molecular Aggregation Equilibria Using Spectroscopic Measurements And Random Mixing Modeling," (2015).
33. Dr. Owen Rehrauer, "Multivariate Statistical Methods that Enable Fast Raman Spectroscopy," (2016).
34. Dr. Bharat Mankani, "Advances in Raman Hyperspectral Instrumentation Used for Fast Label Free Classification, Quantitation, and Imaging," (2016).
35. Dr. Samual R. Zukowski, "Characterization of Water Mediated Hydrophobic and Ionic Interactions Using Raman Spectroscopy," (2016).
36. Dr. Josh Long, "Hydrophobic Hydration and Aggregation in Aqueous Solutions," (2017).
37. Dr. Sarah Matt, "Applications of Multivariate Raman Spectroscopy," (2018).
38. Dr. Shannon Pattenaude, "Hydration Shell Water Structure and Aggregation of Small Amphiphilic Solutes," (2018).
39. Louis M. Streacker, M.S. "Miscellaneous Multivariate Raman Spectorscopy Projects Including Hydrated Proton Characterization," (2018).
Visiting Graduate Students
1. Fei Gao (3rd Year, 2015 - 2016)