July 2024

Congratulations to Drs. Miranda Weigand and Solita Wilson! Both of them did wonderfully during their PhD defences, which happened to be on the same day!

Julia gives a seminar at the Genomics Research Center, Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

June 2024

Julia gives a plenary lecture at the 20th Annual Conference of the Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry in Tainan.

Well done to Manxi for her oral presentation of her work detecting novel peptides in negative mode using multimodal nano-DESI MS imaging at the annual ASMS conference in Anaheim, CA. 

Manxi also presented at the "Advances in High Spatial Resolution Imaging Mass Spectrometry" workshop at the annual ASMS conference in Anaheim, CA.

Well done to Sara for her oral presentation on her work with on-line derivitization of lipids using singlet oxygen for isomer identification in nano-DESI MS imaging at the annual ASMS conference in Anaheim, CA!

Sara also presented her work at the Agilent user meeting on the integration of nano-DESI and the QqQ-MS at the ASMS conference.

Our graduate students, Li-Xue, Mike, Mushfeqa, Nazifa, Emerson, Alyssa, Xilai, and Raquel all presented posters of their work at the annual ASMS conference in Anaheim, CA. 


Our research at the interface of physical and analytical chemistry is focused on the advanced development of preparative and analytical mass spectrometry for applications in materials synthesis, imaging and chemical analysis of biological systems at a subcellular level, and environmental sciences.

Contact Us:

We are located on the 5th floor of the Brown Building
BRWN 5131A (Julia's office)
BRWN 5129/5133 (student/postdoc offices)
BRWN 5125/5135 (Labs)

Shipping/Mailing Address:

Department of Chemistry
Purdue University
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2084
Phone: (765) 494-5464
Email: jlaskin@purdue.edu

Recent Publications

Spontaneous ligand loss by soft landed [Ni(bpy)3]2+ ions on perfluorinated self-assembled monolayer surfaces

Samayoa-Oviedo, H. Y., Knorke, H., Warneke, J., Laskin, J. Chem. Sci. 15, 10770-10783, (2024). 


The effect of host size on binding in host-guest complexes of cyclodextrins and polyoxometalates

Su, P., Zhu, X., Wilson, S. M., Feng, Y., Samayoa-Oviedo, H. Y., Sonnendecker, C., Smith, A. J., Zimmermann, W., Laskin, J. Chem. Sci. Advance Article (2024)


Hardware and software solutions for implementing nanospray desorption electrospray ionization (nano-DESI) sources on commercial mass spectrometers

Jiang, L.-X., Hilger, R. T., Laskin, J. J. Mass Spec., 59, (7), e5065, (2024). 


Enhancing Energy Storage Capacity of 3D Carbon Electrodes Using Soft Landing of Molecular Redox Mediators

Das, A., Samayoa-Oviedo, H. Y., Mohapatra, M., Basu, S., Laskin, J. Small2311585 (2024). 



Complete list of publications