
November 2024

Welcome to our newest mass spectrometer: the Thermo Orbitrap Exploris 480! 

Welcome to our new lab memebers: Govindi Dewage, Renkai Dong, Masudur Rahat, and Anthony Choi!

October 2024

Nazifa and Mushfeqa participated in the kick-off meeting of the new collaborative MURI project: ABCs of Success: Associating Biology and Chemistry to study SUCCession in Environmental SurfaceS, sponsored by the US Department of Defence.

Julia gives a plenary talk at the 21st Annual Ohio Mass Spectrometry Symposium (OMSS 2024) in Columbus, Ohio.

Julia gives a plenary lecture at the 6th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Association of North America (MANA) in Tampa, Florida.

September 2024

Julia gives a keynote lecture at the North Jersey ACS Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group Annual Symposium and Vendor Show.

Congratulations to Alyssa, Raquel, and Xilai on passing their candidacy exams!

Congratulations to Dr. Manxi Yang for passing her PhD defense!

August 2024

Congratulations to Sara for receiving the departmental Hass Memorial Fellowship. 

July 2024

Congratulations to Drs. Miranda Weigand and Solita Wilson! Both of them did wonderfully during their PhD defenses, which happened to be on the same day!

Julia gives a seminar at the Genomics Research Center, Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.

June 2024

Julia gives a plenary lecture at the 20th Annual Conference of the Taiwan Society for Mass Spectrometry in Tainan.

Well done to Manxi for her oral presentation of her work detecting novel peptides in negative mode using multimodal nano-DESI MS imaging at the annual ASMS conference in Anaheim, CA. 

Manxi also presented at the "Advances in High Spatial Resolution Imaging Mass Spectrometry" workshop at the ASMS conference.

Well done to Sara for her oral presentation on her work with on-line derivitization of lipids using singlet oxygen for isomer identification in nano-DESI MS imaging at the annual ASMS conference in Anaheim, CA!

Sara also presented her work at the Agilent user meeting on the integration of nano-DESI and the QqQ-MS at the ASMS conference.

Our graduate students, Li-Xue, Mike, Mushfeqa, Nazifa, Emerson, Alyssa, Xilai, and Raquel all presented posters of their work at the annual ASMS conference in Anaheim, CA. 

May 2024

Congratulations to our alumnus Pei Su for receiving a Pathway to Independence (K99/R00) grant from NIH!

Congratulations to Mushfeqa for receiving the PGSG travel grant!

Congratulations to our new PhD graduate: Hugo Samayoa!

Happy graduation to our undergraduate students: Danny Hristov, Dylan Forbes, and Liam Ryan!

April 2024

Congratulations to Hugo and Arya for passing their thesis defences!

March 2024

Congratulations to Raquel on receiving the departmental Amy Travel Award!

Congratulations to our alumnus Pei Su on receiving the ASMS Postdoctoral Career Award!

Congratulations to Danny on receiving the NSF GRFP fellowship!

Congratulations to Sara on receiving the 2024 Eastman Analytical Fellowship!

Congratulations to Murphy for completing her seminar! 

Congratulations to Manxi on receiving the Thomas W. Keough Graduate Scholarship!

Julia gives a keynote lecture at the Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mass Spectrometry (DGMS).

Julia gives a talk at the Imaging Workshop at the Annual Meeting of DGMS.

Julia gives a seminar at ThermoFisher in Bremen.

February 2024

Congratulations to Julia for reaching a total of 300 publications over her career!

Julia presented a seminar at the University of Central Florida.

Julia presented a talk at the Mesilla chemistry workshop, Mesilla, NM.

Julia presented a talk at the Gordon Research Conference: Atomically-Precise Nanochemistry, Galveston, TX.

January 2024

Congratulations to Mushfeqa on receiving a travel stipend to attend a workshop organized by the Bleiholder group in FSU (Florida) focused on protein structure elucidation with ion mobility spectrometry/mass spectroscopy!

Congratulations to Alyssa for completing her 2nd year seminar!

November 2023

Danny and Ronnie presented at the 2023 Fall Undergraduate Research Expo.

Miranda and Alyssa attended the glycomics workshop at the Medical University of South Carolina. 

Manxi presented at the Merck's Rising Star Symposium in Rahway, New Jersey. 

Mushfeqa and Manxi attended the ASMS Fall Workshop. 

We are excited to welcome our new graduate student members Murphy Zheng, Bethany Phillips, Tommy Zhang, and Xindi Tang to the group!

October 2023

Hugo, Danny, and Ronnie presented a poster at the 2023 LatinXChem X virtual conference that was awarded with an honorable mention.
Congrats to Danny who has received the 2023 Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry (ACS)!
Congrats to our new PhD candidates, Sara, Nazifa, Musheqa, and Emerson who all have successfully passed their OP exams!

Sara presented her work on lipid isomer imaging at the 1st International Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society Conference in Montreal, Canada.

August 2023

Congratulations to Solita on receiving the College of Science Graduate Student Travel Award to attend NOBCChE’s 50th Annual Conference!

Congratulations to Julia on receiving the 2023 Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award from ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry.

Manxi gives a talk at the 2023 WCC Merck Research Awards Symposium during the ACS Fall 2023 Meeting,  San Francisco, CA.

Julia gives a talk at the 2023 Advances in Measurement Science Lectureship Award Symposium during the ACS Fall 2023 Meeting,  San Francisco, CA.

Our group's research has been recognized with the NSF Special Creativity Award!

July 2023

Julia gives a talk at the Advancing Mass Spectrometry for Biophysics and Structural Biology conference in Austin,  TX.

Julia gives a talk at the Gordon Research Conference on Chemical Imaging at Stonehill College, MA.

June 2023

Julia gives a talk celebrating Jean Futrell's career as a mass spectrometry pioneer at ASMS 2023 conference in Houston, Texas.

LiXue, Miranda, and Sara presented talks at ASMS 2023 conference. Sara also presented at the evening workshop at the conference.

Hugo, Solita, Manxi, Mike, Mushfeqa, Nazifa, Emerson, and Danny all presented posters at ASMS 2023 conference. Mushfeqa also presented at the late-night lightning talk session.

May 2023

Congratulations to Nazifa on receiving the Arthur Kelly Teaching Award!

Congratulations to Manxi, Solita, and Miranda on receiving Women in Science Travel Grant!

Congratulations to Julia on receiving the Riveros Medal and College of Science Research Award!

Julia gives a talk at 2023 AFOSR Molecular Dynamics and Theoretical Chemistry Program Review in Arlington, VA.

Julia gives a seminar at Texas A&M University.

April 2023

Congratulations to Manxi on receiving the first prize in CBM 3-minute thesis competition!

Congratulations to Manxi on receiving the Hass Fellowship and Hugo on receiving the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship!

Danny presented a talk at the "Spring Undergraduate Research Conference" at Purdue.

March 2023

Manxi presented a talk and Danny presented in poster session at ACS Spring 2023 Meeting in Indianapolis.

Manxi presented a talk at US HUPO 2023 conference in Chicago.

February 2023

Hugo and Julia present at the Gordon Research Conference on Gaseous Ions.

Congratulations to Mushfeqa, Sara, Nazifa, and Emerson on passing their 2nd-year seminar!

Julia gives a seminar at Penn State.

January 2023

Congratulations to Manxi on receiving the 2023 ACS WCC-Merck Research Award!

Julia gives a seminar at Osaka University.

Julia gives a talk at the International Symposium on Mass Spectrometry Imaging in Kyoto.

Julia gives a talk at the US HUPO Educational Webinar Series "Frontiers in Spatial Omics".

Congratulations to Manxi on receiving a Graduate Student Travel Award from the US HUPO 2023.

December 2022

Julia gives a plenary lecture at the 3rd Iberoamerican Conference on Mass Spectrometry in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Julia has been awarded the Riveros Medal of the Brazilian Mass Spectrometry Society.

November 2022

Congratulation to our new Ph.D. graduate Dr. Daniela Mesa Sanchez on her successful defense!

Julia receives 2022-23 College of Science Research Award.

Welcome our new graduate student members Xilai Li, Alyssa Moore, and Raquel Konzen to the group!

Undergraduate students Danny, Erik, and Ronnie presented their research at the Undergraduate Symposium at Purdue.

Our group participated in CAID (Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development) Workshop where Mike, Solita, and Hugo showcased the rotating wall mass analyzer to the participants. 

October 2022

Julia gives a talk at the ASMS Asilomar Conference on Single-Cell Mass Spectrometry.

Solita presents a poster at the 2022 National Diversity in STEM Conference (SACNAS) in Puerto Rico.

September 2022

Solita and Miranda presented talks and posters at the Fall 2022 ACS Conference.

Hugo, Manxi, Solita & Sara presented at Turkey Run Conference. 

August 2022

Miranda and Solita presented talks and posters at the Fall 2022 ACS Conference in Chicago. Danny and Dylan presented posters.

Julia presented a keynote talk at the International Mass Spectrometry Conference in Maastricht, Netherlands.

Congratulation to our new Ph.D. graduate Dr. Habib Gholipour-Ranjbar on his successful defense! 

Congratulations to Emerson Hernly on being named an outstanding graduate mentor of the SURF program!

Julia gives a talk at the Frontiers in Native Mass Spectrometry and Single-Molecule Imaging Conference.

July 2022

Julia gives seminars at the University of Leipzig, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Thermo Scientific, and the University of Halle.

Julia visits the University of Leipzig as a Mercator Fellow of the DFG.

Congratulations to Solita Marie Wilson on receiving the SACNAS Travel Scholarship!
Congratulations to Daniela on receiving the ACS Bridge Travel and Professional Development Award!

June 2022

Manxi, Daisy, Hugo, and Hang all gave talks at the 2022 ASMS Conference.

Daniela, Solita, Habib, Mike, Miranda, Mushfeqa, Sara, Nazifa, Emerson, Danny, Lixue, and Xiangtang all presented posters at the 2022 ASMS Conference.

Congratulations to our new Ph.D. graduates Dr. Daisy Unsihuay and Dr. Hang Hu on their successful defenses!

May 2022

Congratulations to Hugo for receiving Graduate Teaching Award!
Julia gives seminars at the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

April 2022

Congratulations to Hang Hu for receiving Thomas Keough Graduate Award!
Julia gives a seminar at Indiana State University.

March 2022

Julia gives a talk at the 2022 US HUPO Conference.

February 2022

Congratulations to Hang for receiving the ASMS Graduate Student Travel Award!

Julia gives a seminar at Florida International University.

December 2021 

Julia gives a talk at Pacifichem 2021.

Manxi presented a poster at the 2021 Asilomar Conference.

Congratulations to Manxi for receiving the ASMS graduate student travel award for the Asilomar conference.

November 2021

Congratulations to Daisy, Pei (alumni), and Hilary(alumni) for receiving 2021 ASMS Awards!

Manxi, Daisy, Hugo, and Hang all gave talks at the 2021 ASMS Conference.

Daniela, Solita, Habib, Mike, and Miranda all presented posters at the 2021 ASMS Conference.

October 2021

Daisy gives talk at the 2021 Imaging Mass Spectrometry Society (IMSS) Conference.

Congratulations to our new Ph.D. candidates, Miranda, Manxi, and Mike! 

September 2021

Congratulations to Daniela and other organizers of the 2021 Turkey Run Conference for an oustanding meeting!

We presented eight posters at the 2021 Turkey Run Conference!

Congratulations to Miranda, Solita, Manxi, Hugo, Habib, Daisy, and Hang on their presentations!

Congratulations to our undergraduate student Danny Hristov on presenting at his first scientific conference!

Julia presents talk at the 24th North American ISSX (International Society for the Study of Xenobiotics) Meeting

August 2021

Daisy gives talk at the WCC/Merck Research Award Symposium.

July 2021

Congratulation to Daisy on receiving the ASMS Graduate Student Travel Award!

Congratulations to our undergraduate students, Lidya Sertse and Danny Hristov, for completeing the SURF program and presenting at the SURF symposium!

June 2021

Congratulations to Daisy on receiving the American Chemical Society Women Chemists Committee Merck Research Award!

Julia gives keynote lecture at the French Society for Mass Spectrometry (SFSM) Meeting.

Julia gives seminar at the University of Innsbruck.

NSF project has been renewed.

May 2021

Congratulations to Daisy on receiving the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship!

Congratulations to Courtney for receving a Master of Science!

April 2021

Congratulations on the recent elections for leadership postitions to Solita Wilson-Purdue Graduate Student Government Senator and Hugo co-chair of the Graduate Student Advisory Board (GSAB).

March 2021

Congratulations to Daisy on receiving the Thomas W. Keough Graduate Award from the Analytical Division!

February 2021

Congratulation to Daisy on receiving the IJMS Best Student Paper Award!

December 2020

Congratulations Pei Su on a successful defense!

November 2020

Congratulations to Solita on passing her candidacy exam!

Julia gives a talk at the 24-IMSI Webinar 

October 2020

Congratulations to Pei on being nominated for the Schmidt Science Fellows award:

August 2020

Pei gives virtual presentation at Chicago Mass Spec Day 2020

Congratulations to Pei on receiving the Bilsland Dissertation Fellowship

June 2020

Congratulations to Julia on being elected the Vice President for Programs for ASMS

Congratulations to Pei on receiving the ASMS Graduate Student Award

March 2020

We have fully transitioned to remote social/professional interactions for the time being

Congratulations to Pei on winning the Sigma Xi poster competition

February 2020

Congratulations to Hugo for passing his candidacy exam!

Congratulations to our post-doc Ruichuan Yin on the new position at Covance 

Congratulations to Pei on receiving the ASMS Graduate Student Travel Award

January 2020

We welcome to the group Jyothsna Bindu, a master's student from the Engineering and Technology Department

December 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Hilary Brown, our first Ph.D. graduate!

November 2019

Congratulations to Hilary on a successful defense!

Daniela gives a talk at the Agilent’s Ion Mobility Spectrometry Workshop in NC State, Raleigh.

We are excited to welcome new group members: Manxi, Miranda, and Michael. 

Julia gives a talk at the ASMS Fall Workshop on Ambient Ionization, Philadelphia

October 2019

Daisy, Daniela and Julia attend and present at the ASMS Asilomar Conference on Mass Spectrometry Imaging (Pacific Grove, CA) co-organized by Julia Laskin, Lingjun Li, and Jeff Spraggins

Julia gives an invited talk at the 76th Fujihara Seminar “Designer Nanocluster Materials – From Gas Phase to Condensed Phase” in Tomakomai, Japan

September 2019

Julia gives seminars at Corteva Agriscience and Advanced Photon Source at Argonne.

August 2019

Julia gives an invited talk at the "Frontiers in Metal Oxide Cluster Science" (FMOCS VI) in Corvallis, Oregon.

June 2019

Julia gives an invited talk at the GRC on Clusters and Nanostructures in Les Diablerets, Switzerland.

Julia, Pei, Hilary, Daniela, Hang, Daisy, Ruichuan and Xiangtang attended the ASMS Conference in Atlanta. We presented one talk (Xiangtang) and six posters.

May 2019

The group welcomes summer undergraduates: Veerupaksh Singla, Ryan Lagacy, and D'Angelo Peters.

Julia presented an invited talk at the Graduate Student Symposium at the University at Buffalo.

Julia and Ruichuan attended the 2019 HIRN (Human Islets Research Network) annual investigator meeting in Washington DC.

April 2019

Congratulations to Pei Su on receiving the Thomas W Keough Graduate Scholar Award!

Congratulations to Hugo Samayoa on receiving the W. Brooks Fortune Analytical Chemistry Fellowship!

November 2018

The group welcomes first-year graduate students Courtney Rupert, Solita Wilson, and Hugo Samayoa-Oviedo.

Julia and Jonas give invited talks at the 34th Waterloo Symposium on Chemical Physics, Waterloo, Canada.

Hilary Brown gave a talk at the Merck-Purdue Analytical Symposium.

October 2018

Our NIH Project has been funded as part of the HuBMAP Consortium!

Xiangtang Li, a new postdoctoral fellow, joins the group. Welcome, Xiangtang!

Julia gives an invited talk at Baylor University

September 2018

September 24, 2018 Julia gives a seminar at IU's School of Medicine Center for Diabetis.

August 2018

Julia gives an invited talk at the XXII International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Florence, Italy

We are excited for Pei Su, who will be running a student-organized symposium on Preparative Mass Spectrometry at the ACS National Meeting in Boston, August 19-23, 2018

Pei Su, Hang Hu, and Julia will be giving talks at the ACS National Meeting in Boston.

July 27, 2018

Our NSF grant focused on the advanced development of nano-DESI imaging has been funded!

June 20, 2018

Julia gives an invited talk at the Cluster-Surface Interaction workshop in Trondheim, Norway.

May 23, 2018

The group welcomes Habib Gholipour - a first year graduate student.

May 14, 2018

Congratulations to Jonas on his paper in Nature Communications.

April 19, 2018

An Agilent ICP-MS System has been installed in the lab. We are fully operational!

April 6, 2018

Congratulations to Hilary Brown for receiving the Graduate Women in Science Programs (WISP) travel grant.

April 5, 2018

An Agilent Ion Mobility Quadrupole Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer has been installed in the lab.

March 29, 2018

A Q-Exactive HF-X Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer has been installed in the lab.

March 13, 2018

Julia presented an invited talk at the AFOSR Workshop on “Chemical Tools for Biological Processes”, Dayton, OH.

March 8, 2018

An LC-MS System (LTQ, Thermo) has been installed in the lab.

February 26-March 1, 2018

Julia gave an invited talk at Pittcon in Orlando, Florida.

February 11-16, 2018

Julia gave an invited talk on soft-landing at the XXIst Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics 2018 in Obergurgl, Austria.

February 5, 2018

Jonas Warneke joins the group as the Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellow Supported by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.

October 2017

The group welcomes first-year graduate students Daniela Mesa Sanchez, Daisy Unsihuay, and Hang Hu

October 9, 2017

Julia receives a Medal from the Russian Society for Mass Spectrometry.

August 2017

The group welcomes new graduate students, Hilary Brown and Pei Su.

Julia and Ruichuan moved to West Lafayette.