November 2024

Welcome to our newest mass spectrometer: the Thermo Orbitrap Exploris 480! 

Welcome to our new lab memebers: Govindi Dewage, Renkai Dong, Masudur Rahat, and Anthony Choi!

October 2024

Nazifa and Mushfeqa participated in the kick-off meeting of the new collaborative MURI project: ABCs of Success: Associating Biology and Chemistry to study SUCCession in Environmental SurfaceS, sponsored by the US Department of Defence.

Julia gives a plenary talk at the 21st Annual Ohio Mass Spectrometry Symposium (OMSS 2024) in Columbus, Ohio.

Julia gives a plenary lecture at the 6th Annual Conference of the Metabolomics Association of North America (MANA) in Tampa, Florida.

September 2024

Julia gives a keynote lecture at the North Jersey ACS Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group Annual Symposium and Vendor Show.

Congratulations to Alyssa, Raquel, and Xilai on passing their candidacy exams!

Congratulations to Dr. Manxi Yang for passing her PhD defense!



Our research at the interface of physical and analytical chemistry is focused on the advanced development of preparative and analytical mass spectrometry for applications in materials synthesis, imaging and chemical analysis of biological systems at a subcellular level, and environmental sciences.

Contact Us:

We are located on the 5th floor of the Brown Building
BRWN 5131A (Julia's office)
BRWN 5129/5133 (student/postdoc offices)
BRWN 5125/5135 (Labs)

Shipping/Mailing Address:

Department of Chemistry
Purdue University
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2084
Phone: (765) 494-5464

LabLaskin Social Media

LabLaskin Bluesky

Recent Publications

Quantitative Analysis of Drugs in a Mimetic Tissue Model Using Nano-DESI on a Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer

Moore, A. M., Bowman, A., Wali, S. N., Weigand, M. R., Wagner, D., Yang, J., Laskin, J. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35, 3170-3177, (2024).

Mass Spectrometry Provides Insights into the Structures of Polyoxovanadate Alkoxide Clusters Substituted with Fe and W Heterometals

Wilson, S. M., Petel, B. E., Maiola, M. L., Forbes, D., Matson, E. M., Laskin, J. Int. J. Mass Spectrom. 506, 117347 (2024).

Writing with Mass-Selected Ions Using a Dynamic Field Wein Filter

Espenship, M. F., Laskin, J. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 35, 10, 2472–2479 (2024).

MSIGen: An Open-Source Python Package for Processing and Visualizing Mass Spectrometry Imaging Data

Hernly, E., Hu, H., Laskin, J. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom.  35, (10), 2315-2323 (2024).

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