Sabre Kais Group

Quantum Information and Quantum Computation

Critical Phenomena at the Large Dimensional Limit

We have established an analogy between symmetry breaking of electronic structure configurations and quantum phase transitions at the large dimensional limit. Furthermore we have developed the finite size scaling method for quantum systems. In this case, the finite size corresponds not to the spatial dimension but to the number of elements in a complete basis set used to expand the exact wave function of a given Hamiltonian.

Electronic orbitals for the ground states of charged atoms

The electronic orbitals for the ground states of charged atoms in super-intense laser fields calculated by dimensional scaling method. The presentation is given in a plane passing through the axis of the field taken as polar axis z.

We have shown that symmetry breaking of electronic structure configurations at the large-D limit is completely analogous to the standard phase transitions and critical phenomena in statistical mechanics. For N-electron atoms in weak magnetic and electric fields at the large dimension limit, this analogy is shown by allowing the nuclear charge to play a role analogous to temperature in statistical mechanics. 

Symmetry breaking of the molecular electronic structure configurations at the large dimension limit show similar phase transitions. For the hydrogen molecular ion the analogy to standard phase transitions was shown by allowing the inverse internuclear distance to play a role analogous to temperature in statistical mechanics. 

We have established the role of the inter-electron Coulomb repulsion in giving rise to different electronic structures and the distinction between a continuous deformation of one structure into another versus a discontinuous, so called, first order, transition, where two isomers can coexist. 

Results for linear three-atom and planar four-atom molecules show rich phase diagrams with multicritical points. Although these models and the phase diagrams are correct only at the semiclassical limit, the result were used as a guide to investigate symmetry broken solutions and critical behavior of the exact Hamiltonian at D=3. 

Finite Size Scaling and Stability of Atomic and Molecular Systems in Superintense Laser Fields
