Lab Glove Recycling Award
Writer(s): Steve Scherer
Purdue Chemistry continues to be a leading university department recycler in Kimberly-Clark Professional’s RightCycle program. Chemistry Procurement Manager Suzy Gustafson was recently presented a 2016 Greenovation Champion Award by the company.
During 2015, the department diverted 1.6 tons of lab gloves from the landfill.
“This is truly a team effort and I thank everyone in our chemistry labs who participates in the program, with special recognition to staff members Andy Reich of the Undergraduate Prep Lab and shipping/receiving clerk Alan Springer who are instrumental in collecting the recyclables throughout the building,” said Gustafson.
RightCycle is the first recycling program for non-hazardous Kimberly-Clark branded nitrile gloves and single-use apparel, where the company turns them into the raw materials used to create eco-friendly consumer products and durable goods.
Kimberly-Clark Representative Jonathan McClintock presented the award April 15 and announced that a second park bench made of recycled gloves will be given to the department for use on the second floor hallway of BRWN.
More than one hundred universities and companies participate in the program.
Kimberly-Clark press release (PDF)
Park bench made of recycled lab gloves.
Celebrating Purdue Chemistry's Lab Glove Recycling Award. (Left to right) Felix Yau, Safety and Cleanroom Sales Specialist, ThermoFisher Scientific; Jim Van Vooren, Regional Sales Manager, ThermoFisher Scientific; Andy Reich, Chemistry Undergraduate Prep Lab; Kevin Peterson, Sales Representative, ThermoFisher Scientific; Suzy Gustafson, Chemistry Procurement Manager; Alan Springer, Chemistry Shipping/Receiving Clerk; Jonathan McClintock, Territory Sales Manager, Kimberly-Clark Professional.