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RPOC - Amy Facility video

Real-time Precision Opto-Control (RPOC) - Our Amy Facility for Chemical Instrumentation helped the Jesse Chi Zhang lab create new technology to control lasers to precisely treat cellular targets.

Play Amy Facility Video

Amy Instrumentation Facility -  Scientific Engineer Mike Everly gives a tour of our Amy Facility.

Research Instrumentation Center

Research Instrumentation Center (RIC) - Spectrometrist Ryan Hilger gives a tour of our RIC.

X-ray Video

X-Ray Lab - Crystallographer Matthias Zeller gives a tour of our X-ray facility.

NMR video

NMR Facilities - Director John Harwood gives a tour of Purdue's Interdepartmental NMR Facility (PINMRF)

Play Cell Culture Video

Cell Culture Lab - Lab Manager Mike Alley gives a tour of our Cancer Cell Culture Lab.

glass lab thumbnail

Scientific Glass Lab - Glass blower Jordan Smith gives a tour of the lab and highlights the services offered.

Virtual Reality thumbnail

Virtual Reality-Based Drug Discovery Game - Professor Gaurav Chopra and his research team demonstrate a new platform for teaching chemical education.

Play Machine Shop video image

Learning Machining BasicsGraduate students in Professor Garth Simpson’s research group have been learning basic precision machining techniques taught by Purdue Chemistry machinist Randy Replogle.

Play Tribo video image

A New Instrument to Detect TriboluminescenceChemistry's Jonathan Amy Facility for Chemical Instrumentation is working with Professor Garth Simpson's Research Lab to develop a new instrument to detect trace crystallinity in pharmaceutical formulations using triboluminescence.

Play Chem Show Highlight video image

Chem Show Highlights from 2018 presentation.

Play Huang video image

Solar Cells - Professor Huang explains how her lab uses lasers to study organic solar cell efficiency.

Click to play Haas video

2016 Violet Hass Award - The Department of Chemistry accepts this Purdue award recognizing the advancement of women on campus.

Sculpture Video

Leighty Commons - How the LED caffeine molecule light sculpture was created and installed in WTHR.

Negishi Biography Video

Professor Ei-ichi Negishi - Big Ten Network biography of Chemistry's 2010 Nobel Laureate.

Dreyfus Presentation video

Professor R. Graham Cooks - A replay of his Dreyfus Prize Ceremony and research presentation.

Portable Mass Spectrometry Video

Portable Mass Spectrometer detects Contaminants on Produce - Analytical Chemistry Professor R. Graham Cooks and his grad students are taking sophisticated instruments out of the lab and into the real environment with the potential to monitor fresh produce all along the supply chain.

Drug Discovery Video

Drug Discovery - Purdue Chemistry's impact on drug discovery with delivery.

Energy Video

Energy Research - Purdue Chemistry's foundations in energy research and education.

OBuoy Video

OBuoy - Purdue Chemistry's involvement in developing the Arctic Ozone Buoy.

Instrumentation for Visually Impaired Video

Developing Instrumentation for Visually Impaired Students - Purdue Chemistry alumnus Cary Supalo has started a research park company that develops innovative solutions for accessible science. Watch how a visually impaired student identifies pH solutions.