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Department Safety Coordinator
Paul Bower Office: WTHR 173
Office: (765) 494-5472 Cell: (765) 543-3790
Graduate Safety TA: Dane Wagner
What's NEW on our Safety Mission?
Annual Safety Training Renewals! --> Due by July 31st. June/July is the time for All of Us to complete our Annual Safety Training, which for most of us includes the HSI "Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals" module, plus the PPE & BEP Certificates. These all need to be submitted to Paul Bower in either digital or paper forms. For those who do not work with chemicals, the only requirements are the BEP and the Hazard Communication Awareness Training. Use the "Safety Training" Tab found at the top-left to access these training modules and for additional information.
Chemical Archive - Thousands of Available Chemicals (March 2024 update)
--> SOP for Getting Chemicals from the Chemical Archive
*DOWNLOAD the Huge Chemical Archive List Here*
New SOP's (Standard Operating Procedures)
- Class D Fire Extinguisher (CDFE) Usage: Class D Fire Extinguisher
- What to Do IF the Building Loses Power: Power Outage.pdf
- After Hours Guideline: AfterHoursGuidelines_2020.pdf
- Emergency Text Messages - How Do I Sign-Up? Sign-Up for Emergency Text Messages
- Decommissioning Research Labs: Decommissioning Labs.pdf
- Protocols & Communication of Serious Incidents: Accidents & Incident Protocol.pdf
- Shipment of all research samples should be arranged through the College of Science Procurement.
- --> Shipping SOP is here: International and Hazardous Materials - eShipGlobal
Graduate Student Safety Committee Duties (Word)
New 2025 Weekly Eyewash Station Testing (WEST) "Printable Form" now available
General Safety Rules, plus legal requirements for storage, handling, and waste procedures for:
- Chemicals, Chemical Hygeine Plan (CHP), HazCom, Waste accumulation and disposal
- Biologicals, Biosafety, Bloodborne Pathogens, Bio-waste procedures
- Radioisotopes, purchasing and waste disposal, also ionizing radiation producing devices, Xrays, lasers, magnets..
INJURIES! Where Do I Go??
Information on Injuries (CHM = Department 2084)
Chemistry Department Guide for Medical Emergencies (PDF) : Show the Maps of Facilities
Information and safety policies regarding:
- Emergency Procedures Guide for Purdue
- Getting started: EHS's "Researchers' Guide"
- General lab housekeeping and basics
- PPE and other controls
- Safety News and stories
Dates to Remember
- Self-Audits: May 1 - May 20
- Safety Training Renewals: May 30 - June 30
- CFATS Chemicals Reporting - due early-July
- EHS Safety Inspection of Department - February
"RAMP" - What exactly is RAMP ?
- Recognize Hazards
- Assess the Risks
- Minimize Risk of Hazards
- Prepare for Emergencies