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Work-Area Checkouts, or CHM-to-CHM Transfers

All researchers -- faculty, A/P, Grad Students, Postdocs, Visiting Scholars...

...including the people whose work areas are in buildings other than BRWN, WTHR & DRUG.

The Main Office (BRWN 2100) will require your completed Department Checkout Sheet or the Intradepartmental Transfer Checkout Sheet (get transfer approval and form from Main Office).  Even if you did not use lab space, you will get a signature from the offices/people listed, including a signature in the "Laboratory Chemical Safety Manager" line from Paul Bower.

To get the signature from Paul Bower for the line marked "Working quarters accepted" (to be signed by the department Safety Coordinator), please follow these three steps:

1. Work-Area Checkout/transfer Appointment Request form: Complete and save this form, then attach it to an email to Paul Bower.  (You may also complete by hand and scan and email that attachment, but the saved Word doc is preferred).  Do this in advance of your departure date, and request the appointment to be near the date you will turn in the last of your keys.

2. Work-Area Checkout Page - PRINT this page, fill it out, and have it signed by your group safety rep after you complete it to verify that the information is correct.  Have this completed and in hand when the appointment (Work-Area Checkout) takes place.

Have the CHM Department Checkout Sheet (link at top) printed out and ready for Paul to sign, once he has completed the Work Area Checkout.

3. Samples List -- This is necessary if you are leaving any materials in containers that are not manufacturer's containers with the manufacturer's label.  If another researcher or your professor has assumed responsibility, there must be a list, with every item (or group of items) that will remain in the building.  This samples list will need to be either initialed by the advisor as Confidential OR signed by the person who will assume responsibility for these Samples.  This can be time consuming; Start early, and dispose of everything that does not need to be saved.

Have the Samples List (if there are Samples) in hand for the Work Area Checkout appointment, or scan and attach it to the email.  It needs to include the Chemical NameLabel on the ContainerApproximate AmountLocation of Where it is Stored (Fridge/freezer #, shelf), and the Name of Who is Accepting Responsibility for the Sample as their own.

  • Clean your work area completely (desk, hood, bench, cabinets, sink, floor, shelves).  Make your Work Area ready for someone else to immediately be able to move into.
  • Dispose of ALL chemicals and any other supplies which your advisor does not expect to be left behind.  ASK when it is not certain.
  • List on the Samples List all containers (if any) of chemicals that you leave behind which are not in a manufacturer's container with the manufacturer's label.  Dispose of as many "sample" chemicals/mixtures as possible, as well as purchased chemicals which you received and did not use up.  Leave behind only what is required by your advisor.  Complete the Samples List and get your advisor's initials for the samples on the list to indicate that you are required to leave it.