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Safety Training & Classes

Open the Department of Chemistry SAFETY TRAINING RECORDS (Excel file updated 02/12/2025)

So, What Safety Training Do I Need? 

---> Go to the Chemistry Safety Training Webpage <---  to determine which Dept. of Chemistry & University Safety Training requirements apply to you.  At the bottom of the page is a button to access the Safety Training Modules.


Safety Training Modules that are done every year (by most of us):

"Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals" (LSF): The entire online training site has now switched over to the HSI Platform (Health and Safety Institute).  The huge LSF has been separated into five smaller units, and are now all contained in the "Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals" module.  For the Fall 2024/ Spring 2025, all who work in labs are now required to perform the following set of training modules this year (ALL located in the Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals).  

NOTE: These five modules are no longer accessable individually --> they can only be performed through the "Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals" module.  Once logged-in to the HSI website, click "View Catalog", and Search for "Purdue".

"Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals" consists of these 5 modules:

                      - Laboratory Safety

                      - University Laboratory Safety – Working Safely

                      - University Laboratory Safety – Developing and Using Controls

                      - University Laboratory Safety – Analyzing Chemical Hazards

                      - University Laboratory Safety – Analyzing Physical Hazards

1st-years are also encouraged to take the Office Ergonomics Overview training.  Afterwards (start of year 2+), you only need to take the Purdue - Lab Safety Fundamentals module, plus any of the other Safety Modules that are Relevant to your specific Lab Group.  Your Supervisors Safety Rep can inform you of what is required, and also if it is a One-Time safety requirement.  Chrome is the recommended browser.

PPE = Personal Protection Equipment --> Read all topics that are relevant to the lab that you work in, and you only are required to read the training modules to those that apply to your needs.  --> Fillable PPE Certificate

BEP = Building Emergency Plan --> This training session lets you know what to do & where to go in case of emergencies. This includes fire evacuation, tornado warnings, shelter-in place procedures, and lockdown procedures.   -->  Fillable BEP Certificate    NOTE: Use the link near top of this page to access the BEP training



CHM 60500 -- A 7-Week Fall Safety Course required by several graduate degree programs, including those of Chemistry, MCMP, HSCI, and IPPH.

CHM 19700 -- Chemistry Freshman Honors Research.  Safety information and training requirements. 

CHM 49900 -- Special Assignments in Undergraduate Research (required to attend one CHP2 1-hour Live Safety Training session) 


Specialized Training Available from EHS

Laser Training has PowerPoint slides on fundamentals, effects on eye & skin, specular & diffuse reflection, non-beam hazards, laser classifications, control measures, common laser injuries, and responsibilities.  There is a test at the end of the module.  There is also a Laser Safety Retraining module that is separate from the Initial training.  Click on the words "Laser Training", & scroll down to access the Training modules.

Bloodborn Pathogens (BBP) has training the 3rd Thursday of the Month from 1:30-2:00 at PUSH B-41.

Radiation has training for Electron Capture Detectors, general radiation/Open sources, and Sealed sources.

Liquid Nitrogen has PowerPoint slides for safe handling, characteristics & hazards, PPE, exposure, containers, and safety procedures.

BioHazards has PowerPoint slides for PPE, waste handling, safety cabinets & laminar flow clean benches, biohazard spills, and security.

Additional Safety Training from EHS


Other chemical safety training small group meetings by request, email