Chemistry Diversity Initiative Fall 2020 Update
Writer(s): Professor Shalini Low-Nam
A major goal of the Chemistry Diversity Initiative (CDI) has been to increase the participation and inclusion of underrepresented minorities, women, and early stage investigators in our research area seminars. Members of the CDI generated a memo, including a list of excellent suggested scientists in each topic area, in order to encourage a more diverse slate of invited speakers. The response from each seminar series was enthusiastic and generated a more balanced representation of the demographics in our fields. In many cases, close to 20% of the speakers were underrepresented minorities and a large fraction were female. The success in inviting younger investigators (postdoctoral scholars and new faculty) and hosting student-invited speakers was evident through strong seminar attendance. The CDI will continue to maintain this list of investigators as we pursue even greater inclusion and awareness in the speakers we invite to the department.