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Chemistry receives award for recycling Personal Protective Equipment


Writer(s): Steve Scherer

Purdue Chemistry continues to be a leader (both on-campus and in the Big Ten) in recycling Personal Protective Equipment (PPE.)

Kimberly-Clark Professional recently recognized our department with the RightCycle Environmental Impact Achievement Award for diverting nearly six tons of waste during the past two years.

Our Chemistry Procurement Office has been instrumental in organizing this effort, where PPE lab waste is processed and turned into eco-friendly products like park benches and playground equipment.

Thanks to our students, postdocs, staff, and faculty who make sure their lab gloves are recycled!

 RightCycle Award

Don Brokop of Kimberly-Clark Professional (far left) and Nick Schetzsle of ThermoFisher Scientific (far right) present Suzy Gustafson and Alan Springer the 2020 and 2021 RightCycle Environmental Impact Achievement Award.