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Professor Jeffrey Dick recognized with early career analytical chemistry award



Jeffrey E. Dick, Richard B. Wetherill Associate Professor of Chemistry, has been awarded the 2023 Analyst Emerging Investigator Lectureship Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry. This annual award recognizes one early career researcher, within ten years of their PhD, who has made a significant contribution to analytical chemistry in their independent academic career.

Professor Dick’s pioneering work has made the immeasurable measurable. His most impactful work is the demonstration that chemical reactions occurring presently within our cells are quite different from reactions studied in beakers (from enzyme rates to the spontaneous production of difficult-to-make molecules in microdroplets.)

Professor Dick’s research group has also offered solutions to pressing societal problems, such as developing deployable sensors for emerging micropollutants and illicit substances, understanding complex battery behavior, designing a new synthetic platform for high entropy alloy nanomaterials, and understanding how nature uses small-volume chemistry for the genesis and propagation of life.

He earned a BS in Chemistry from Ball State University and a PhD at the University of Texas at Austin studying under Professor Allen J. Bard.