Multiwave 7000 Digester
The digester removes organic material and breaks down inorganic compounds in order to prepare samples for elemental analysis by ICP-MS. The digester uses microwave radiation to heat the samples to high temperature and pressure in the presence of strong acids and oxidizers. The digester uses a pressurized digestion cavity where all samples are loaded into a single pressure vessel, as opposed to each sample being placed in its own pressurized container. The pressurized digestion cavity ensures that all samples are exposed to the same digestion conditions regardless of sample type, mass, volume, or reagent composition.
- Sample mass: 10mg – 500mg
- Sample volume: 100ul – 10ml
- Capacity: 18 samples
- Max temp: 300degC
- Pressurized digestion cavity
- Process different types of samples simultaneously
- Processing time: 1-2 hr
Na Gou
BRWN 3154A
560 Oval Drive
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(765) 494-7188