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OGSPS Candidate Forms Guide

The following list includes Office of Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Scholars (OGSPS) Forms that relate to your thesis and defense. The majority of the forms are electronic and some might be completed by the students, the examining committee or the Sr. Graduate Program Administrator. The staff in the Main Office can assist with additional information about these forms. A quick reference sheet for the major forms is available here.

Form 7: Report of an MS Final Exam. [electronic] This form will be used by the examination committee to report the results of an MS final exam. The electronic form is automatically generated after acceptance of a Form 8.

Form 8: Request for Appointment of an Examining Committee. [electronic] This form is used to establish the committee for a formal examination. It is used for both the preliminary exam (the OP) and final dissertation exams for both the MS and PhD degree. The date and location of the exam is required for this form. The form should be fully approved at least two weeks before the exam, so students are encouraged to start early. Either the Main Office or the student may initiate this form. Students initiating the form can access it through myPurdue.

Form 9:  Electronic Thesis Approval Form (ETAF). [electronic] This form will be initiated by student through the Plan of Study link in myPurdue and saved until submitted on day of final dissertation exam for both the MS and PhD degree. Instructions for submitting the ETAF can be found here.

Form 11: Report of a PhD Final Exam. [electronic] This form will be used by the examination committee to report the results of a PhD final exam. The electronic form is automatically generated after acceptance of a Form 8.

Form 29: Degree Completion Letter Request: [paper] If needed (e.g., for future employment) the Graduate School will provide a letter stating that a student has met all graduation requirements (if true), and stating the future date of the formal conferring of the degree. A copy of the form can be accessed using this link and the completed form can be sent to the OGSPS.