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Research Instrumentation Center

The Research Instrumentation Center (RIC) is a core facility in the Department of Chemistry that manages the shared departmental instrumentation. Most instruments are made available to users on a walkup basis, but samples can also be submitted for either high-resolution MS or elemental analysis (ICP-MS and CHN) by our professional staff. Walkup usage and instrument training are billed by the hour; HRMS is billed on a per sample basis, while elemental analysis is billed per run.

Dr. Ryan Hilger

Brown Laboratory of Chemistry
Room 3154

Accessing RIC

  • All users must have an account on the iLab web-based software. Purdue users must be members of their PI’s lab within iLab, and have access within iLab to a Purdue account number that can be used to pay for services.
  • Instrument training is by appointment only. Training requests can be submitted though iLab.
  • External users should contact the RIC manager for instructions regarding submitting training requests.
  • External and non-chemistry users will be required to submit laboratory safety training certificates with any request for instrument training. Certificates cannot be more than one year old. Contact the RIC manager for safety training instructions.
  • External users are required to have billing information on file with Purdue. Contact the RIC manager for instructions on submitting billing information.
  • Access to RIC is contingent upon compliance with the RIC User Agreement

Consultation Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Walkup Instrument Access
RIC is accessible 24/7 to Chemistry Department users.
For other users, the hours are:
Monday - Friday
6:00am – 10:00pm
6:00am – 3:00pm