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Resolving the Big Picture; Bringing Molecules Into Focus

Committee Group Photo

The Purdue Graduate Student Symposium Planning Committee (GSSPC) is tasked with delivering a symposium at the 251st ACS National Meeting on March 14th, 2016 on the subject of molecular imaging. We hope to deliver a symposium covering many modern research topics encompassed by this broad field.

If you have any questions related to the symposium, please don't hesitate to contact any one of the co-chairs.

News and Updates 

Final Schedule for Monday the 14th of March, 2016

Morning session

0900 Introductory remarks

0905 Z. Cheng - Shedding Light on Diseases with Dark Material

0945 R. Y. Tsien - Moleucles for Multiscale Imaging, Against Cancer, or for Long-Term Memory Storage

1025 Intermission

1035 R. M. Caprioli - Imaging Mass Spectrometry: Moleuclar Microscopy for Biology and Medicine

1115 R. G. Cooks - Mass Spectrometry in Surgical Diagnosis and in Organic Synthesis

1155 Concluding remarks

Afternoon session

1400 Introductory remarks

1405 C. K. Payne - Imaging Intracellular Redox Chemistry: Spatially Resolved Sensing of Hydrogen Peroxide in Living Cells

1445 J. Cheng - In Vivo Vibrational Spectroscopic Imaging: Emerging Platform for Biology and Medicine

1525 Intermission

1535 M. K. Schnermann - Near IR Uncaging Chemistry: Discovery and Applications

1615 P. R. Selvin -Making the Brain Light-Up (In Cultures): New Small Quantum Dots and Super-Resolution Microscopy

1645 Concluding Remarks


The Purdue GSSPC is pleased to announce two confirmed speakers!

Professor R. Graham Cooks; Henry B. Hass Distinguished Professor of Analytical Chemistry, recently elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Professor Cooks' research covers many aspects of Mass Spectrometry from the fundamental aspects of ion chemistry to the clinical aspects of molecular imaging. Desorption Electrospray Ionization (DESI) was developed in his lab, is growing in its utility in the diagnostic and clinical chemistry fields and it has proven to be a fantastic, ambient method for the imaging of biological tissues without the need for sample pre-treatment.

Professor Ji-Xin Cheng; Professor in both the Weldon School of Engineering and the Department of Chemistry at Purdue University. Professor Chengs work pushes the limits of vibrational spectroscopy for imaging molecules in vivo, from vast reductions in the time required to collect such images to combinations of acoustic and spectroscopic techniques for deep tissue imaging.

The Purdue GSSPC is pleased to announce a confirmed speaker!

Professor Roger Y. Tsien: Professor of Pharmacology and Chemistry/Biochemistry at the University of California, San Diego, and Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Professor Tsien is best known for his development of fluorescent proteins to monitor gene expression and protein fates in cells and organisms. In 2008, Professor Tsien shared the Nobel Prize in chemistry for discovery and development of GFP (green fluorescent protein) with two other scientists, Professor Martin Chalfie and Professor Osamu Shimomura. His most recent work has two main foci: peptides to help treat cancer and the molecular basis of long-term memory.

The Purdue GSSPC is pleased to announce a confirmed speaker!

Professor Paul R. Selvin; a professor in the Department of Physics and Biophysics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is known for his work with molecular motors and for developing the super-resolution technique FIONA—Fluorescence Imaging with One-Nanometer Accuracy. His group is currently working on ultra-structure determination of neuronal synapses using super-resolution microscopy.

The Purdue GSSPC is pleased to announce a confirmed speaker! 

Professor Richard Caprioli; the Stanford Moore Professor of Biochemistry and Director of Mass Spectrometry at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Professor Caprioli's work involves the utilization of Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption (MALDI) mass spectrometry to produce images of biological tissues. His work involves many problems regarding the spacial distribution of molecular species in biological tissues and some of his group's latest research includes the fusion of microscopy and MALDI for multimodal molecular mapping of biological tissues. 

The Purdue GSSPC is pleased to announce the first three confirmed speakers! - For more infomation, please see the Speakers page on this website.

Dr. Martin Schnermann

Professor Christine Payne

Professor Zhen Cheng



Anthony Tomaine

Kristen Gettys

Susannah Cox

Heather Schoonover

Carly Schnoebelen

Stephen Ayrton