Airborne Laboratory Atmospheric Research (ALAR)
The ALAR platform, developed for Dr. Paul Shepson, is a Beechcraft Duchess Light Twin Engine airplane, equipped with an air flow measurement probe, a BAT probe (Best Air Turbulence probe) and dual air sample intakes. In the right inset, the nose cone has been removed to display the custom mount probe and GPS antenna. The left inset shows the ALAR instrument power supply designed and built by the Amy Facility.
Alar Publications
Garman, K. E., K. A. Hill, et al. (2006). "An airborne and wind tunnel evaluation of a wind turbulence measurement system for aircraft-based flux measurements." Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 23(12): 1696-1708.
Garman, K. E., P. Wyss, et al. (2008). "The contribution of variability of lift-induced upwash to the uncertainty in vertical winds determined from an aircraft platform." Boundary-Layer Meteorology 126(3): 461-476.
- A Look Inside the Amy Facility
- 8-Channel RF Signal Generator
- Apple Pencil Charger
- Photochemical Reactor
- RCF Controller
- High Bandwidth 16-Channel PMT Amplifier
- O'Buoy Project
- Argos Data Collector
- Vertical Air Profiler
- Triboluminescence
- Flow Reactor
- E-Beam Project
- Coiled Tubing Reactor
- Carbon Fiber Tubing
- Cryogenic Cooling Stage
- Photomultiplier Tube Power Supply
- Cold Ion Spectroscopy
- Mass Spec Solids Probe
- Spherical Void Electrodynamic Levitator