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Safety Committee

What ARE the Responsibilities of the Group Safety Rep?   See the 7-Page Document HERE


Chemistry Grad Student Safety Committee ROSTER  (September 19, 2024 updates)

Safety Committee & Group Safety Reps ROSTER 


   Changes to your Group Safety Rep: Fill out this Word document, then submit to Paul Bower at WTHR 173


--> Self-Audits 2024 Received <--

ISP Self-Audit forms are HERE

You may want to check out the November 2022 Self-Audit List to see which rooms you were responsible for, which is linked below.  Above are the Self-Audits that I have received on the date shown.

Self-Audits General Information

EHS requires these to be submitted in Paper Forms only.  Digital copies cannot be accepted.

All information at the top of page 1 must be completely filled out.

Please note that Labs & Offices cannot be combined, and must have separate Self-Audit forms.

Labs that have the EXACT same answers for ALL 6 pages can be combined on a single form, as long as they are physically connected (and on same side of hallway).

Offices that have the EXACT same answers for all 6 pages can be combined on a single form, which should be the case.

Offices and rooms that do not involve the handling of hazardous chemicals only need to be filled out to section 9 or 10, but must be signed.

Remember to include all Room Numbers, including rooms with letters (IE: 2134, 2134A, 2134B).

All Supervisors must sign and date page 6, at the end of the checklist.

Only submit the 6-page checklist.  Please do not include the cover page or REM Safety Representatives pages, I won’t need those.

Previous Self-Audits from November 2022


Lab Safety Postings

Lab Safety Postings - What are they? (PowerPoint Slides)

    --> Contains information about Room Rules, Hazard Assessments, Emergency Assembly Areas, 24 Hour Contact info

Hazard Assessments template

Room Rules Template

2024 Weekly Eyewash Station Checklog (WEST): Eyewash Checklog

SOP for Lab Decommissioning: Decommissioning Labs 2022 (PDF)


Previous Self-Audits 2021

Previous Self-Audits 2020

Previous Self-Audits 2019

Previous  Self-Audits 2018


Department Safety Policy

Safety Committee Business